Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Working" Vacation

My little getaway trip went as well as I could have hoped. True, I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped - I always aim high - but I was productive, and I did have fun and relax!

Color palettes chosen for new body of work
Some sketches ready
Ugly blanket at 5/8 complete

To do:
complete more sketches
prep panels
keep truckin on the ugly blanket

I was putting together my sad little CV yesterday for this upcoming print show, and I realized that I've made a lot of stuff! I just need to get it posted on my etsy. There's a LOT of prints. I'll be interested to see the difference between what gets attention there vs. the gallery setting. So far, it's been pretty much the same stuff.

Off to create, create, create!

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